Recent Storm Damage Posts

Storm-Proofing Your Windows and Doors

5/15/2024 (Permalink)

SERVPRO working on remediation In this blog, we'll explore effective ways to stormproof your windows and doors.

During severe storms, windows and doors are vulnerable to damage from high winds, flying debris, and heavy rainfall. Protecting these openings is crucial to prevent water damage and maintain the structural integrity of your home. In this blog, we'll explore effective ways to stormproof your windows and doors, ensuring your home is well-prepared and able to withstand the elements.

1. Install Impact-Resistant Glass

One of the most effective ways to storm-proof your windows is by installing impact-resistant glass. This type of glass is specifically designed to withstand high winds, debris impact, and extreme weather conditions.

Impact-resistant glass is made of a durable interlayer sandwiched between two layers of glass. It is highly resistant to shattering, even when struck by flying debris during a storm. Additionally, this type of glass provides added security and noise reduction benefits.

2. Reinforce Window and Door Frames

To enhance the storm resistance of your windows and doors, reinforce the frames. You can use metal or wood window frame anchors to secure windows to the surrounding structure. These anchors help prevent the frame from being pulled out under high wind pressure.

For doors, consider installing a reinforced strike plate, which strengthens the area where the bolt or latch engages with the door frame. Additionally, install sturdy deadbolt locks to provide additional security and storm resistance.

3. Install Storm Shutters

Storm shutters are an effective defense against strong winds and flying debris. These shutters are made from durable materials such as aluminum or steel and can be closed securely during a storm to protect your windows.

There are several types of storm shutters to choose from, including rolling shutters, accordion shutters, and panel shutters. Each type offers varying levels of convenience, protection, and aesthetic appeal. Consult with a professional to determine the best option for your home.

4. Apply Window Film

Window film is a cost-effective solution to enhance the storm resistance of your windows. This film is transparent and adhesive and can be applied directly to the glass surface.

Window film helps to hold the glass together if it shatters during a storm, preventing fragments from scattering and reducing the risk of injury. It also provides an additional barrier against high winds, water intrusion, and UV rays.

5. Maintain Proper Sealing and Weatherstripping

Proper sealing and weatherstripping are essential to prevent water infiltration and maintain energy efficiency during storms. Inspect your windows and doors regularly and address any gaps or cracks that may compromise their storm resistance.

Replace worn-out weatherstripping and apply caulk or sealant to seal gaps around window frames and door edges. This simple maintenance step can significantly improve the integrity of your windows and doors during a storm.


Storm-proofing your windows and doors is essential to protect your home from potential storm damage and ensure the safety of your belongings. By installing impact-resistant glass, reinforcing window and door frames, installing storm shutters, applying window film, and maintaining proper sealing and weatherstripping, you can significantly improve the storm resistance of your home.

In the unfortunate event of storm damage, contact SERVPRO® for professional storm damage restoration services. Our experienced team is equipped to handle the restoration of your home and ensure it is returned to its pre-storm condition.

Prioritize the storm-proofing of your windows and doors, and take proactive measures to safeguard your home. By implementing these strategies, you can minimize the impact of storms and protect your home and belongings from potential damage.

7 Tips to Protecting Your Belongings and Valuables from Storm Damage

1/14/2024 (Permalink)

Drying equipment on the floor of a home with damaged by a storm. Remember, prevention is key when it comes to protecting your belongings from storm damage.

Storms can be a force of nature, capable of wreaking havoc and causing significant damage to your property. While we prioritize the safety of our loved ones during these times, it's also crucial to protect our possessions from any potential harm. At SERVPRO of Anaheim West, we understand the importance of protecting your belongings, and we're here to share valuable tips on how to do that from storm damage.

Create a Detailed Inventory

Begin by documenting your valuables. Take photographs or videos of each item and store them in a secure location, such as cloud storage or an external hard drive. This inventory will serve as important evidence for insurance claims if your possessions incur damage during a storm.

Secure Important Documents

Essential documents like passports, birth certificates, property deeds, and insurance policies must be protected. Store them in waterproof and fireproof containers or consider digitizing them for added safety.

Invest in Quality Storage

Use sturdy, waterproof containers or safes to store valuables such as jewelry, family heirlooms, and sentimental items. Place these containers in elevated areas of your home or in a secure location to minimize the risk of water damage.

Protect Electronics

Unplug electronic devices during storms to prevent potential power surges. Consider investing in surge protectors or uninterruptible power supplies to protect your electronics from electrical damage.

Fortify Your Home

Conduct routine maintenance to reinforce your home's structural integrity. Check and repair any loose shingles, reinforce doors and windows, and consider installing storm shutters or impact-resistant glass.

Create an Emergency Preparedness Kit

Assemble an emergency kit containing essential supplies like flashlights, batteries, first aid items, non-perishable food, and water. Include necessary tools for potential post-storm repairs.

Stay Informed and Evacuate if Necessary

Monitor weather forecasts regularly. If authorities recommend evacuation, prioritize your safety and evacuate promptly. Your life is irreplaceable, and your valuables can be protected with proper planning.

Remember, prevention is key when it comes to protecting your belongings from storm damage. However, if your property does experience damage, our SERVPRO® team is here to assist you in the restoration process. Our trained professionals utilize advanced techniques and equipment to restore your home and belongings to their pre-damaged condition.

At SERVPRO of Anaheim West, we're committed to helping you protect what matters most. By implementing these proactive measures and being prepared, you can significantly reduce the risk of storm damage to your valuables. For more tips and assistance in storm damage restoration, feel free to reach out to our dedicated team.

Stay safe, stay prepared, and protect what you cherish. Remember, we're here to help you weather the storm.

A Guide to Protecting Your Belongings from Storm Damage in Anaheim, CA

9/13/2023 (Permalink)

Storms can strike unexpectedly, putting your belongings and valuables at risk. In this post, we're focusing on an essential topic: Protecting Your Belongings from Storm Damage. Whether it's rain, wind, or lightning, being prepared can make all the difference. Let's explore effective strategies to keep your valuables safe and sound when Mother Nature unleashes her fury.

1. Water-Resistant Storage Solutions: A Solid Investment

Anaheim's occasional heavy rainfall underscores the importance of water-resistant storage options. Invest in plastic bins with secure lids to protect items like clothing, documents, and electronics from water damage. Elevate these bins if possible to prevent ground-level flooding from seeping in.

2. Secure Outdoor Items: Preventing Wind-Related Damage

Strong winds are a common occurrence during storms, posing a risk to outdoor items. Anchor down patio furniture, garden tools, and other loose items to prevent them from becoming projectiles. Storing these items indoors, if feasible, can further mitigate potential damage.

3. Reinforce Windows and Doors: A Barrier Against Impact

Windows and doors are vulnerable during storms, especially if debris gets propelled by the wind. Installing storm shutters or reinforcing windows with plywood can prevent shattering. Secure doors with sturdy locks to minimize the risk of wind forcing them open.

4. Electronic Protection: Unplugging for Safety

Electronics are sensitive to power surges caused by lightning strikes. Unplug valuable electronics and appliances during storms to prevent damage from power fluctuations. Surge protectors can also offer an added layer of defense.

5. Roof and Gutter Maintenance: Preventing Water Infiltration

Regularly inspect and maintain your roof and gutters. Well-maintained gutters ensure proper drainage, reducing the risk of water pooling and seeping into your home. Damaged roof shingles should be repaired promptly to prevent leaks during heavy rainfall.

6. Consider Off-Site Storage: An Extra Layer of Security

For irreplaceable items, consider off-site storage solutions. Safe deposit boxes, digital backups for important documents, and storing sentimental belongings with family or friends can provide extra peace of mind.

7. Insurance Coverage: Financial Protection

Review your insurance policy to understand coverage for storm-related damages. If necessary, consider adding extra coverage to ensure your belongings are protected in case of unexpected events.

Stay Prepared, Stay Protected

By implementing these practical strategies, you're taking proactive steps to protect your belongings from the unpredictable weather patterns that Anaheim can experience. Remember, preparation is key to minimizing the impact of storms on your possessions. If storm damage does occur, SERVPRO of Anaheim West is here to help restore your home and belongings to their pre-storm condition.

Essential Strategies to Protect Your Property from Flood Damage

6/17/2023 (Permalink)

Floods can pose a significant threat to buildings, causing extensive damage and disrupting business operations. However, taking proactive measures to protect your building from flood damage can mitigate risks and enhance its resilience. In this blog post, we will explore essential steps and strategies to safeguard your property against floods, helping you minimize potential losses and ensure the safety and continuity of your business.

Understand Flood Risk and Preparedness

Start by understanding the flood risk associated with your location. Research local flood maps, consult with relevant authorities, and assess historical flood data to determine the likelihood and severity of potential flooding. Stay informed about weather alerts and flood warnings to enable timely response and preparedness.

Implement Proper Drainage Systems

Ensure that your building has effective drainage systems in place. Clear gutters, downspouts, and drains regularly to prevent blockages and facilitate proper water flow. Install additional drainage systems, such as French drains or sump pumps, if necessary, to redirect excess water away from your building's foundation.

Elevate Critical Utilities and Equipment

Raise critical utilities, electrical systems, and equipment above flood-prone areas. Elevate electrical panels, HVAC units, generators, and other essential equipment to higher floors or platforms. This reduces the risk of damage and minimizes potential downtime during and after a flood event.

Install Flood Barriers and Protective Seals

Consider installing flood barriers and protective seals to prevent water intrusion through vulnerable entry points. Flood barriers, such as flood-resistant doors and windows, can create a watertight seal, reducing the likelihood of floodwater entering your building. Protective seals, such as silicone-based sealants, can be applied to gaps, cracks, and openings to fortify them against water infiltration.

Waterproof Basement and Lower Levels

If your building has a basement or lower levels, take proactive measures to waterproof these areas. Apply waterproof coatings or sealants to basement walls and floors. Install sump pumps and consider using waterproof materials for insulation and finishes. Regularly inspect and maintain the integrity of these waterproofing measures.

Secure Valuable Documents and Equipment

Protect important documents, records, and valuable equipment by storing them in water-resistant or elevated locations. Utilize waterproof safes or cabinets for critical documents and consider digitizing important records to ensure their preservation. Secure equipment and machinery on elevated platforms or shelves to minimize exposure to floodwaters.

Develop an Emergency Response Plan

Create a comprehensive emergency response plan specifically tailored for flood situations. This plan should include evacuation procedures, designated assembly points, communication protocols, and responsibilities for employees. Conduct drills and training sessions to familiarize everyone with the plan and ensure a swift and organized response during an actual flood event.

Protecting your building from flood damage requires a proactive and comprehensive approach. By understanding flood risks, implementing proper drainage systems, elevating critical utilities, installing flood barriers, waterproofing lower levels, securing valuable documents, developing an emergency response plan, and obtaining flood insurance coverage, you can significantly enhance the resilience of your building. Prioritize flood preparedness and regularly review and update your mitigation strategies to ensure ongoing protection. By taking these steps, you can minimize potential damage, safeguard your property, and maintain business continuity even in the face of a flood.

How FEMA Can Help After a Storm

8/28/2022 (Permalink)

How To Deal With Flooding Or The Devastation Of A Hurricane

A hurricane or storm can leave terrible damage to homes in Anaheim, CA, but there is help. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) can help homeowners get back on their feet following storm damage. Below is an idea of what to expect in the event of a hurricane in your area.

• Registration

The first step in the process is to make sure you are registered with FEMA. The easiest way to register is to go online at or to download the app. You can also call 800-621-3362 to get started over the phone or visit a Disaster Recovery Center in the event that you do not have internet access.

Be prepared with your Social Security number, address, income, insurance information and bank routing numbers, in addition to a detailed description of the damage to your home. Some homeowners have to submit a Small Business Administration loan application before their eligibility is determined. You’ll be given a nine-digit registration number to use for all future correspondence.

• Inspection

After registration is complete, the agency will contact you to set up a home inspection. They will assess any flood damage to the home during this time. The inspector should display his or her identification when he or she arrives. Homeowners or renters will be required to prove occupancy or ownership at this time, so be prepared with a payment receipt or rental agreement and government identification.

• Follow-Up

Following the inspection, registrants will receive notification about their applications via mail, email or text. Be sure to read everything because often times, people have to submit further documentation. If you aren’t sure what the letter means, you can contact the helpline at 800-621-3362.

No one wants to deal with flooding or the devastation of a hurricane, but fortunately, there is help. FEMA exists to help homeowners through this situation and get back to their normal lives as quickly as possible.

Flood Safety Before, During and After the Flood

6/15/2022 (Permalink)

Flood Preparedness Prior to, During, and After the Flood

Flood safety is largely a matter of preparation and staying calm. If a storm surge or other weather event strikes Disneyland Park, CA, here's a quick rundown of useful safety tips to keep in mind.

What To Do Before the Flood

If you have the opportunity to be ready for rising water, use that to your advantage. Deploy any sandbags or other barriers you have.

At a minimum, keep a well-stocked emergency kit ready that includes the following:

  • Enough food and water for at least three days
  • Medicine for at least three days
  • Flashlights
  • First-aid kit
  • Blankets
  • Radio
  • Batteries
  • Pet food, toys, and medicine

Be advised that homeowners insurance doesn't include flood insurance, either. Knowing your flood risk in Disneyland Park, CA, and talking with your insurance agent are two simple ways to protect your home as well.

Flood Safety During the Event Itself
Move to the highest ground possible. If local government tells you to leave, leave.
If you're at home during a flood, stay inside and away from the water. The NWS reports that as few as 6 inches of water is enough to topple an adult. Inside the home, if the water in a room rises above the electrical outlets, stay out of that room.

It's important to remain up to date on what's happening, too. Use that radio in your emergency kit, as well as social media and local TV if you still have access.

Handling the Aftermath

Many of the same tips hold true after a flood: Most importantly, stay away from the water and keep yourself informed. Call a flood damage mitigation company to start the restoration process right away, and leave the handling of all soggy materials to the experts. Flood water is typically contaminated. Remember that flood waters can affect the structural elements of your home, too, so proceed with caution, especially if you've been away.

Flood safety is an area of knowledge most people hope they never have to call on. Being prepared, however, is one of your best defenses against Mother Nature.

The First 4 Things To Do After a Flood Strikes

6/10/2022 (Permalink)

The First Four Steps to Take After a Flood

Storm damage is likely a reality for your business in Southwest Anaheim, CA. When your workplace is struck by a flood, it’s important to have a plan for content cleaning. Nobody wants to think about damage and the potential for devastation, but thinking ahead could alleviate some of the destruction caused by water.

1. Remember That Employee Safety Is Key

It’s crucial to make sure your workplace is safe to enter following a storm. If any electrical boxes were impacted by water, you need to have an inspector make sure the building is free from danger. Also, be mindful that wet floors could cause workers to slip and fall.

2. Start Removing Excess Water

When it is safe to enter your business, start dealing with water by mopping it up. Inspect your things to see what can be restored. It’s much cheaper if you can do content cleaning on items rather than replacing them.

3. Deal With Wet Furniture and Accessories

After removing items from tables, start wiping the excess water away. Take cushions off couches and chairs; prop them up against a wall for faster drying. Remove photos or art from walls, and store them in a dry place.

4. Know What To Save and What To Discard

Certain items in your office may be able to be saved after being touched by storm waters. Non-porous materials like stainless steel are constructed to withstand water and have the best chance of survival. Porous objects like terry cloth towels may have to be discarded. These items allow water to pass through them freely and are more susceptible to damage.

Acting quickly following a storm gives you the best opportunity to save many of your office items. If you’re overwhelmed by the amount of work created by water damage, you could seek professional help for content cleaning. You’ll definitely need help if your business is ever impacted by black water. Find a company that provides storm damage restoration before a storm hits. That way, you’ll have a company to turn to if severe weather wreaks havoc on your office.

3 Reasons Not To Wait for an Adjuster After a Flood

6/1/2022 (Permalink)

3 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Wait for a Flood Adjuster

If your home has been damaged during a storm in Anaheim, CA, then it is important to make a flood insurance claim as soon as you can. During the claims process, an adjuster will need to inspect your home to determine how much damage was done.

You do not, however, need to leave your house in its present state while you wait for an adjuster. There are a few reasons why it is better to begin cleanup before the inspection.

1. Adjusters Are Probably Busy
If you have flood damage after a storm, many others in your area likely do as well. Adjusters will need to inspect several homes, and it might take a while to get to yours. Rather than allowing the damage to worsen, you can contact a professional restoration company to begin cleanup and repairs. You can take pictures before the work begins to show the extent of the damage to your insurance adjuster.

2. Mold Damage Occurs Quickly
Excessive moisture in any environment can contribute to mold growth. When given the right conditions, this fungus can grow very quickly. You could potentially have an infestation in as little as a day. If you wait to start repairs until after an adjuster looks at your home, you could end up with a large amount of damage.

3. Preparing Can Speed Up the Process
Making a flood insurance claim can be a lengthy process. You can make it go more quickly by preparing for the adjuster’s visit ahead of time. Take pictures, make note of damaged items and go over your insurance policy while you wait. Do what you can to minimize damage as well.

While you might think you need to wait for your flood insurance adjuster to begin work on your home, this is not the case. While you are waiting for the visit, you can begin mitigation and repairs. You can also start gathering information that the adjuster might need and familiarize yourself with the terms of your insurance policy.

4 Steps to Expect in a Storm Damage Restoration

4/1/2022 (Permalink)

Restoration machines are cleaning water damage in an office SERVPRO can respond immediately to your home or business after a severe storm. This room suffered from water damage.

Storm Damage Restoration In Four Steps

If your business in Anaheim, CA, experiences severe storm damage, there are a few things you may be able to expect in the restoration process. These steps include everything from a tear out of damage materials, to the removal of flood water. Here are four of the steps a chosen restoration expert may take.

1. Remove the Water

The first thing a professional restoration company may choose to do is remove any standing water or flooding the storm may have left behind. The quick removal of flood water is an important step to help prevent mold growth as well as any further water related damages. This process usually involves the use of dehumidifiers and water pumps.

2. Remove Damaged Materials

Another step many restoration experts employ, is to tear out and replace any materials that may be beyond repair. These may include soaked drywall or carpet, materials that may experience mold growth, or areas that may have experienced structural damage.

3. Dry the Flooded Area

To help prevent further water damage the restoration team will thoroughly dry the area before repairs can begin. This helps ensure that no water damage has been left behind which could otherwise lead to potential rot or mold growth. In many cases dehumidifiers may be used help keep moisture out of the air.

4. Begin Restoration

After these steps have been completed storm restoration efforts can begin. This process may include repairing of walls and flooring, mold prevention efforts, and working with the insurance company to figure out the cost of any replacement items covered under the policy.

In most cases the restoration team will remove the water, tear out any materials that are beyond repair, dry and decontaminate the affected area, and then began restoration efforts. Knowing that these are expected steps in the process, you can feel confident that that your business can be restored to pre-storm conditions.

5 Steps for Avoiding Mold and Sewage Contamination After Flooding

1/13/2022 (Permalink)

Restoration machines are cleaning a house after a flood After a flood, you need to move quickly to clean up your home and prevent mold growth.

After A Flood, Here Are 5 Steps To Avoid Mold And Sewage Contamination.

Restoring your home and salvaging your property after a flood requires a lot of time and effort. This is especially true if your Anaheim, CA, property has been affected by black water or sewage. When this is the case, you'll want to take steps to correct the unsanitary conditions, avoiding mold growth by disinfecting any areas that were contaminated.

1. Keep Everyone Safe

The very first step in this process is to establish safety for anyone who participates in the cleanup. Your efforts to maintain safety should include the following:

  • Shut off the electricity to the flooded spaces.
  • Do not operate electrical equipment in flooded areas.
  • Use protection for your eyes, mouth, and hands.
  • Assess the type of flood water in the home.
  • Don't attempt to work in black water (anything contaminated by sewage).

Once you have taken the above steps, you can continue to clean up your home.

2. Take Pictures and Write Descriptions

Your next step for recovering from flooding is to document the damage. Take a lot of pictures of the rooms in your home and all of the damage, both inside and outside. This information will help you work with your insurance company.

3. Prevent Further Water Damage

Next, focus on repairs in places where water could still get into your home. For example, cover broken windows or complete repairs on damaged roofing.

4. Act Fast To Dry Out Your Home

One of the most important steps to safeguard against mold growth is to circulate air through the home, making sure you can dry out every corner and hard-to-reach area. If the weather is appropriate, open windows, and if it's safe to use electricity, start fans.

5. Contact Professionals

Sewage loss carries serious risks associated with the rising flood water. The contaminants in sewage may include E. coli and cryptosporidiosis. After flooding, put a stop to further contamination with the help of trained flood remediation professionals.

After a flood, you need to move quickly to clean up your home and prevent mold growth. Ensure the property is safe, then take steps to sanitize and restore the home with the help of trained professionals.