What our Customers say...

General Testimonials

I was really impressed by how quickly they responded to my request for an estimate. It was a Friday and I thought they wouldn't be able to get to me until the following week, but luckily they got to me same day within a few hours. Really impressive.

I am always out on the road for my job. I handle insurance claims and I am often in the field to asses damages. It is rough to find a spot to work at each and every starbucks I go to and it can prove to be troublesome when I try to work out of my car. My office is also sometimes too far away. I am thankful and fully appreciate that SERVPRO of Anaheim West allows me to use their facilites to get work done. It has Wiifi, it is air conditioned, it's more local than my office and they are always so friendly. Thanks SERVPRO.

I was able to meet with SERVPRO while they bought cookies at my bakery. After talking for a bit they helped get me set up an Emergency Ready Plan to help give me peace of mind.